All the projects in ConCERT’s network have to meet our criteria covering how they operate. This includes how they ensure their programmes deliver what the communities need, and how they use (and support) volunteers. In addition, if the projects deal with children, how do they protect the children’s privacy and safety. NB: ConCERT does not undertake financial audits of projects.
ConCERT aims to give you confidence that any help given to the projects listed below will be used wisely to support their work. Click on the links that will take you to their websites:
- Anjali House
- Banteay Srey Butterfly Centre
- Cambodian Landmine Museum
- Center for Khmer Studies
- Children’s Dream
- Grace House
- HALO Trust
- IBIS rice
- Naga Earth
- New Bridge for Cambodia
- Plastic Free Cambodia
- Salariin Kampuchea
- Sam Veasna Center
- See Beyond Borders
- Spitler School
- The Lake Clinic
- This Life Cambodia
- Trailblazer Foundation
- Women’s Resource Center